6 High paying jobs for college students 

Canada has lots of opportunities for college students to kick start their career. One of the reason why they stands as one of the best country for employment opportunities. With lots of opportunities available in Canada this has helped many college students make a list of the best jobs they will like to take on after school.

In this post we carefully sort out the high paying jobs for college students in Canada. As a student in Canada who is still wondering which job or profession to start their career. Then you are at the right place.

You may think you need to graduate first before making your first six figures, that’s quite not true, there are some jobs you can take as a college students. Some of such jobs will be getting you up to $75,000 per year. That’s not bad for a college student.

If you want to kick start your career by engaging in some of these highest paying jobs, then this post will help you get the best high paying jobs for college students in Canada and all over the world.

The world is now turning into a global village and many college students just like you, are making it big with some of the high in demand tech skills.

All you have to do is to read through this latest high paying jobs for college students in Canada.

High paying jobs for college students
High paying jobs for college students

Highest paying jobs for college students in Canada

Most of the high paying jobs for college students in the world are all tech related, so you see for you to be relevant you must learn some technical skills.

The IT department has been recognised as one of the fastest growing industry in Canada, and it has been attracting some level of attentions. This has inturn make some of the college students in Canada to start learning some of the best high demand tech skills  to enable them stay relevant.

Without mincing words, below are the lists of high paying jobs for college students in Canada. The best part is that some of these Jobs does not require much school certificates and you cans also work part time while still going to college.

1. Marketing manager

One of the best high paying jobs for college students in our list is Marketing manager. This job allows you manage and head the promotion and advertising team of an organisation.

You will be in charge of the marketing team, as you will lead the team in developing advertising materials and even generating promotion. Your main work is to evaluate the effectiveness of every campaign.

This job is one of the most lucrative jobs for a college student in Canada and other part of the world.

This job does not require much certificate, with your bachelor’s degree, you are sure of getting a job in one of the top firm. Some organisations will still organise special training for their marketing teams to help improve them.

High paying jobs for college students
High paying jobs for college students

As student in any college, becoming a marketing manager is one of the most profitable job you can find. You can either work full time or you can go with the part time option if you still wish to further your education.

2. Research Assistant

This another high paying jobs for college students, especially if you are still in college. Though the pay is not much compared to that of a Marketing manager but it comes with lots of benefits to your career and even to your education.

As a research assistant you either work in the university, laboratory or any other institutions where research activities is been carried out.

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Your major work is conducting research and also writing out reports or summary for your finding in your research. This position will really help you especially if your work is related to your course.

High paying jobs for college students
High paying jobs for college students

As a college student in Canada, you should check out for any research assistant work in your neighbourhood. You will be paid $18 per hour depending on how long you are willing to work.

3. Administrative assistant

Administrative assistant is another high paying jobs for college students should apply for. Since it’s academic related, you are still in line.

Your primary duties are to manage genera office tasks such as booking meeting and appointment, sitting up meeting place and filling documents.

You will also be responsible for making business travel arrangements plans, you will also take some phone calls and also take down notes when meetings are going on.

As a college student this job is ideal for you, since your pay will likely be high. The work may be demanding but the pay is with it since you will be paid $19 per hours.

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4. Blogger

As a college student in Canada one high paying job you should take is blogging. Over the years blogging had turn out to be a very lucrative profitable business.

As a bloggers all you should do is to research on a particular topic, write about it, proof read and upload it to the net. Once you start getting lots of viewers, then you can monetised it. There are many ways you can monetise  your blogs , some of them are listed here

  • Affiliate links
  • Sponsored post
  • Ads
  • Podcasting
  • Training
  • Selling your products
  • Coaching
High paying jobs for college students
High paying jobs for college students

Blogging is a great way of making money, you become your own boss, work at your own convenience.

5. Freelance writer

Another independent way of making money as a college student in Canada is through freelancing. One benefits of being a freelancer is that you are not tied to one company. You can work for multiple companies and for multiple projects at once.

Freelance writing is one of the high paying jobs for college students in Canada, it’s lucrative and does not require much stress. As a freelancer your job is to create content for both digital and print medium.

A freelancer works in various fields such as, journalism, tourism, photography, computer programming, copywriting and many more.

Key takeaway

Freelancing is an independent work meaning you work at your own time, convenience. You enjoy the freedom of working from home and a flexible work schedule.

High paying jobs for college students
High paying jobs for college students

Another benefits is that you are paid per task completed, that means if you can complete 5 to 10 task per day for $25 dollars per task. You will be making between $125 to $250 per day. That’s great for a college student to kick off their career.

6. Social media community manager

This is another High paying jobs for college students in Canada, and it’s suitable for students who loves working on some of the best social media platforms.

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To become a social media community manager you must have good knowledge of some of these social media apps, how they works and how to interact with people using them.

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As a social media manager your will have the responsibility of managing an organisation social media accounts. Your primary duties is creating content for social media posting, such as captions, images and poster.

You should also be friendly as you will have to interact with the company’s clients whom you may come in contact with. Your main focus should be on how to increase the organisation social media metrics.

High paying jobs for college students
High paying jobs for college students

The pay is huge it depends mainly in your progress in helping the organisation social media account grow.

Highest paying jobs without a degree in USA

Not compulsory you must go to college before getting a decent Job, there are some jobs you can take up without having a college certificates. Some of this jobs are lucrative and even legit.

Not all high paying jobs require you to have a degree certificates, some requires you have some certain skills, experience and knowledge on it. This they choose ahead of a college degree.

If you didn’t earn your bachelor’s degree, you can still choose any of these high paying jobs to fit into.

1. Flight attendant

As a student you don’t really need a college degree before you can become a flight attendant. You just need to have a skill in people’s management as this is the main thing needed to become a flight attendant.

High paying jobs for college students
High paying jobs for college students

2. Sales representative

Sales representative doesn’t require a college degree, all you need is a good writing and speaking skills. You should be well spoken and eloquent, this are the two skills needed to be a successful sales representative.

3. Executive assistant

This is another high paying jobs for college students that does not require you to have a college degree.

4. Patrol officer

As a student in college becoming a patrol officer is also a means of getting money. Since it doesn’t require any college degree.


There are many High paying jobs for college students in Canada to benefit from,  some requires your degree certificates while some do not. You can work either full time or part time, the choice is yours. Take a look at the best  paying jobs for yourself.


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