Online writing side hustle for youOnline writing side hustle for you

5 writing side hustle for you 

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In our previous post we talked about 8 lucrative Side hustle that pays weekly, today we will help narrow the topic to the best writing side hustle for you. If you are a writer this post will help you get a writing side hustle.

One of the lucrative side hustle available to you as a student is a writing job. Writing is a sure way to earn lots of money even without leaving your home.

With the help of freelancing and remote works, writing had become a top notched side hustle that will get you paid handsomely for honing your writing skills and creativity. If you love writing, then here is your chance to turn your passion into a source of making money.

Online writing side hustle for you
Online writing side hustle for you


Before Choosing a writing job as a side hustle you should pick the right writing jobs. One you are compatible with, that you have basic knowledge of.

Quick reads : Earn $200 for every books you read

Whether you are seasoned writer or you love writing as a passion, there is an online writing side hustle for you.

Okay, lest look at the best online writing side hustle that you cans take up as a student. Some of these writing jobs pays a little while some pays huge salary. Even though you are not working full time, you only work at your own convenience.

Some of the online writing side hustle are listed below

1. Travel writing

Writing about your travel experience is a fun way of making money, simply by telling your travel experience to other interested travellers. Though there is much competition in this niche, but you can still make it.

This writing side hustle is easy, all you should be doing is documenting your travel experience, exploring the destination so that your reader will have a great knowledge of that particular destination.

Online writing side hustle for you
Online writing side hustle for you

Many tourist attractions owners sometimes employ travel writers to give a good description of their tourist site to the general public.

As an online writer, you may work for an online publication, write for a print or better still start your own travel blog. There are lots of benefits to gain as a travel writer, some of which includes;

  • You get the chance to travel around the world
  • You get paid sharing your thoughts and travel experience with others.b
  • You gained more knowledge on some particular travel destinations

As a travel writer, you may not make much money, but you will make enough to live a good life. You can get a job writing for a print, magazine or even for some tourist sites.

You will be paid per article but as you progress you will start charging per word.

Skills needed to start a travel writing job

To start a travel writing job you will need to meet some of these requirements.

Online writing side hustle for you
Online writing side hustle for you
  • You should be able to create high quality article that will resonate with your readers
  • You should have some basic information on some particular travel destinations
  • Must be able to do thorough research and to write a compelling headlines and post


As an online writer you can be sure of making upto $70,000 pet year.


2. Self Publish a book

Have you heard of Amazon kdp,  if yes, then you can start publishing books on the Amazon Kindle store and once the books start selling you will be paid.

Amazon kdp is a platform on Amazon that allows you to publish and list your books on Amazon for a certain amount. If your books start selling you will receive some royalties for the books.

Publishing on Amazon is a sure writing side hustle that you can start. It does not require any registration capital to start all you need is your smartphone and a stable internet connection.

How to make money on kindle without writing

You can either write fictions or non fiction books or even design coloring books. There are plenty of opportunities to publish books on Amazon, the catch is to find a great marketing strategy to promote your books to the potential buyers.


With Amazon kdp you can make upto $200 per months of consistent publishing.

3. Review writing

Review writing is another lucrative online writing side hustle you can start as a college student. The job is simple, not demanding and even allow you to work at your convenience time.

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As a reviewer you main job is to review, books, projects, website, publications and even resume. All you should do is to reaf the project, publications or better still visit the website and give an honest review of the books, website and even publication.

Online writing side hustle for you
Online writing side hustle for you

Reviewing is a good writing job to take on but ensure you need to have an in depth knowledge of the projects you are reviewing.


As a reviewer you can make as much as $60,000 per year. That’s a huge sum of money.

4. Pitch Magazine 

Writing for a magazine company is a very rewarding writing side hustle you can get as a student’s. Many magazine are out looking for competent writers to write on a particular topic for them in their magazine.

You will probably make lots of money writing for magazines, the amount you make depends on many factors such as , your experience, the magazine you are writing for, the topics, the length and complexity of the articles you are writing.

Some magazine company may pay you per word while some might pay you per article.

Online writing side hustle for you
Online writing side hustle for you

Getting a shot a magazine company can be a great achievement cause you may face lots of rejection and critism. But you might get the chance, most magazine company are looking for writers with lots of experience in a particular topic.

To hasten your chance of getting a pitch at a magazine company you will have to master a particular topic.


As a writer for big magazine publication you can make between $70,000 to $150,000.


5. Become a Ghostwriter

Ghostwriting is one of the least discussed writing side hustle, since you have to work anonymously as a Ghostwriter.

As a Ghostwriter your work is to create a piece of content for someone who will take the credit.

Ghostwriters work is just to turn someone thoughts, idea and information into a publishable articles. Ghostwriting is very lucrative but also demanding since you will have to write in someone else tones, thoughts and even idea.

Online writing side hustle for you
Online writing side hustle for you

Ghostwriters are often hired by big names that font have the time, skills and tone to write for themselves. You will be paid to write the article for them while they also take credit for it.


As an experienced ghostwriters you will be paid around $70,000 per year.

Criteria to start a writing side hustle

The above listed jobs are all online writing side hustle that you can take up. Some of these jobs does not require much skills and experience but you will need to meet this two skills.

  • Decide in the type of writing you want to do
  • Build a portfolio
  • Market yourself
  • Stay organised
  • Keep learning


FreQuently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I make $100,000 as a writer

Yes, of course you can actually make up to such amount, that is only if you follow the right the steps. Many top writers are making more than that in a month.

7 Online writing side hustle ideas for you
7 Online writing side hustle ideas for you

To earn this much you will need a to have lots of writing experience, special skills and high connection.

To increase your earning you must build your portfolio, get high paying clients and even diversify your income stream.

Can I make upto $1,000 dollars per month from my online writing side hustle

Yes, you can make up to $1,000 dollars per month, that is if you have the right skills and experience. Many freelancers are making much more than that in a month. It all depends on how you work hard and consistent in making your big

How much should I charge for a 500 words article

The choice is up to you to know the right amount you should charge a client. The price you should charge depends on two factors, which is how experience you are and the complexity of the work.

As a beginner writer you may charge between $3 to $25 a professional will charge around $40 to $1,000 depending on your relationship with the clients



There are many online writing side hustle you can indulge in to start making money. Many people are looking for ghostwriters and even freelancers to help them . You can visit Fiverr or Upwork to get a good writing job.

Thanks for reading this article, if you have any questions or suggestions kindly use the comment box below. We also offer a very writing services to our customers.

If you need a freelance writer, then feel free to visit our website or write to us via email at [email protected].

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