Universities open for 2025 ApplicationsUniversities open for 2025 Applications

Universities Open for 2025 Applications 

It’s that time of the year when every student is eager to start planning for the best schools to apply to. This is why we have taken the time to complete this post on the best universities open for 2025 applications.

As a student in South Africa, your main job now is how to apply and get admitted into your choice university by 2025. This is why we are here to help you, with the best university to apply for in 2025.

6 universities open for 2025 Application

It’s time you start planning on how to apply for a course in any university of your choice in South Africa. Here in this post is a list of top universities that have granted access for students to apply and get admitted into their schools in 2025.

Reading this post will guide you on how to apply and also how the courses these schools are offering.

Without wasting much time let’s get into the main topic of the day, which is the 6 best Universities open for 2025 Applications.

1. University of Johannesburg (UJ)

The first university on our list of best universities open for 2025 applications is the highly revered University of Johannesburg. Which happens to be the dream school of most South African schools.

Also, read the cheapest private universities in Nigeria

The University of Johannesburg is located in Gauteng province and it’s currently receiving students for 2025 applications. Many students won’t take this opportunity for granted as they will rush to apply, don’t sleep on this rush now and apply to secure your place.

Universities open for 2025 Applications
Universities Open for 2025 Applications

The application is free for all online applicants but for hard copy applications, an application fee of R200 is to be paid.

The application deadline is October 31st meaning you still have lots of time to apply. To apply online use this link University of Johannesburg online application.

2. Witwatersrand University (WIT)

For students dreaming of being a witsie then this is your chance to shoot your shot and get admitted into the prestigious Witwatersrand University. The Wits has opened their application for the next year meaning intending students can now apply.

The Wits is known to be the 3rd oldest university in South Africa also located in the Gauteng province.

The deadline for applications is August 2024, meaning you just have a few days to apply. Also, remember you have to pay an R100 application fee.

To apply to this school you will have to use their online portal University of Witwatersrand online application.

3. University of Pretoria (UP) 

Another prestigious university on our list of universities open for 2025 application is no other one but the fan favourite university of Pretoria.

University of Pretoria also known as UP is one of the biggest private universities in the whole of South Africa. The university is divided into 9 faculties and a business school.

Universities open for 2025 Applications
Universities Open for 2025 Applications

The closing date is June 30. Also, another interesting part is the admission fee, which is free if your family income is below 150,000 per year.  It if is above 150,000 per year, you will have to pay for the admission fee.

For clarification, you will have to show proof of your family income for 12 months. To apply online use the link University of Pretoria online application.

4. University of Zululand (Unizulu)

The University of Zulu is another university open for 2025 application, the university is based in the Kwazulu Natal province. Every student in Unizulu has the opportunity to study any degree in any area they are interested in.

The closing time for the application is September, meaning you still have more time to apply. Each applicant must provide an application fee of R250 via CAO. You can apply online using the link University of Zulu online application.

5. Durban University of Technology (DUT)

Another university open for 2025 application is the Durban University of Technology commonly referred to as DUT. If DUT is your dream school now is the right time to apply.

Universities open for 2025 Applications
Universities Open for 2025 Applications

They offer 32 undergraduate courses, masters courses and two doctoral programs. The deadline for application is September, and you will have to come with an application fee of R250 paid via CAO.

You can apply online using the link Durban University of Technology online application.

6. Stellenbosch University (SUN)

Another university open for 2025 applications on our list is no other university than Stellenbosch University located at Western Cape. SUN as it’s commonly referred to is ranked among the 200 worldviews in Geography, politics and law.

Quick read Top 20 courses to study in Nigeria

The entry deadline is July 31, and you will also have to pay an application fee of R100. Each faculty has its respective yearbook, so Yin will have to find the link for each one here University of Stellenbosch online application.

Steps to apply online for 2025 applications

Applying for a university can be very confusing and stressful which is why you need to be very careful about making mistakes.

Below are the tips to follow when applying for universities open for 2025 applications.

1. Research and choose wisely

Don’t rush to apply to any university just because your friends or brother applied, fake your time to research and choose wisely the best university that fits you.

Universities open for 2025 Applications
Universities Open for 2025 Applications

Select a university that aligns with your academic goals and plan, when choosing a university consider the cost, location and even how the environment is.

2. Check admission requirements

This is one place you must be very careful, as each university has different admission requirements. This is why you should first of all check the admission requirements before applying.

3. Prepare for the online application platform

If you choose to apply online it is good you get prepared for it, make sure you have set everything in place to apply.

4. Double-check your information

When applying online or even offline it’s good to always double-check the information provided to be sure it’s accurate. Most times we might be in a hurry that may cause us to make mistakes which can be very bad.

Review your application to be sure the information provided is accurate.

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5. Meet the deadline

Always be sure to meet the deadline, there will be no need if you can’t apply by the deadline day. This is why you need to be swift and accurate to avoid losing out at the dying minutes.

6. Stay Informed

One way to be updated on how you progress in your application is by staying informed. You will get all the latest information regarding your applications.

Universities open for 2025 Applications
UniversiOpen open for 2025 Applications


This is the time to start applying for universities open for 2025 applications, don’t wait till the last minutes. Start applying now to enable you to get a space in your chosen university.


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