Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribersBuy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers

Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers 

Buying a YouTube channel is one of the best methods to start a YouTube channel, that is if you don’t want to pass through the early stress of building a new channel. So with these steps, you can buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers from legit sites and start making money.

You can buy a monetised YouTube channel or better still go with a non-monetised one as this will help you choose the best monetising options for you. There are many legit sites that you can buy your YouTube channels from. That’s why we will be listing some of the best sites where you can buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers.

How much do 100k subscribers on YouTube pay

Before you buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers you should first know how much you are paid for having 100k subscribers on YouTube. This will help you set your buying price.

The amount of money you earn on your YouTube channel if you have up to 100k subscribers varies depending on many factors such as cpm, average view durations and more especially niche.

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A YouTube with over 100k subscribers that has a CPM of $1.5 and an average duration of 5 minutes per video will generate almost 500,000 page views per month.

With these estimates, the monthly salary of a YouTuber with 100k subscribers will be $750. That’s not bad if you are still young or a student.

How many subscribers do you need to start making money on YouTube

Before you can start making money from your YouTube channels, there are some stages you must have reached, some of which are getting up to 1,000 subscribers and even getting at least 4,000 watch hours in a year.

Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers
Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers

So getting 1,000 subscribers on your YouTube channel is the first step to getting your channel monetised. Once you get a valid 1,000 subscribers and up to 10 million valid public short views, then you are good to monetise your channel.

Read How to buy a monetise YouTube channels


Where do I buy a YouTube channel

One of the first questions you should ask yourself if you want to buy a YouTube channel is, where do I buy YouTube channels

There are lots of available YouTube channels for sale, but not all of them are reliable. Before purchasingchannel ensure you choose the place to get one. In this post, we will be making a list of some of the best places to get your YouTube channels from.

Where you buy your YouTube channels matters a lot, as it will determine whether you will succeed or even fail. That is why we took it upon ourselves to write out this post on the best place to buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers.

Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers
Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers

Best place to buy your YouTube channel 

Buying an already existing YouTube channel has an added advantage over a new one. One of the benefits is that you gain access to an already engaged audience, and you also get lots of content in your library.

Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers
Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers

With all these benefits you will likely want to buy already existing YouTube channels, but beware as many sellers will be eager to sell theirs to you. But don’t fall prey to them, as scammers are looking for how to scam you. Instead of falling make use of some of the sites listed here, if you want to buy already existing YouTube channels.

Some of the places to buy good YouTube channels are listed here

1. Fameswap

One of the best places to buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers is on frame swap.

Fameswap is one of the best online marketplaces that enables you to sell some of your digital assets and an established YouTube channisisone of them.

If you are looking for a place to buy your established YouTube channels with 100k subscribers I recommend you check Fameswap, since they are committed to providing a secure and transparent environment for users.

Fameswap boasts as one of the best sites to buy YouTube channels from since their channels are legit and always in good condition. Also, their delivery time for your channels is superb fast and easy to get.

Read How to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube

2. Lenos

Leno is also known as one the best marketplaces if you want to buy YouTube channels with 100k. They are known for always meeting the needs of the channel buyer.

Leno is a user-friendly online marketplace that plays a major role in the buying and selling of YouTube channels. So if you wish to sell or even buy YouTube channels, then you should always think of Leno.

Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers
Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers

One major reason why you should buy your YouTube channels from Leno is because they sell channels with high-quality videos.

Lenos also guarantees you safe and timely delivery of your purchased channels.

If you are looking for a better site to buy an already-made YouTube channel with lots of subscribers, the Leno should be your number one choice. One amazing advantage that Lenos has over other sites is that their YouTube channels are all monetised.


4. ACC Market

Another legit place to buy your YouTube channels from is the ACC Market, they are known for selling monetised channels to their customers.

ACC Market has YouTube channels for every niche you want, fitness, sports, gaming and the rest of other niches. Getting your YouTube channel on ACC comes with lots of benefits, such as smooth delivery and even assuring you of a secured transaction.

One of the best reasons why you have to choose ACC Market is the money-back guarantee, that is if the purchase fails you will be sure of getting your money back.


Why buy an already established YouTube channels

Many people might have different reasons as to why they will want to buy already existing YouTube channels. Purchasing an already existing YouTube channel comes with lots of benefits when you start from scratch. Let’s check out the benefits of buying a YouTube channel.

1. You start earning instantly

Buying an already existing YouTube channel is a sure way to start earning from it right away. You will not have to start building subscribers from scratch since you will already have subscribers on the channels.

Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers
Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers

If you buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers, it will be easy for you to monetise it through the YouTube partner program.

Buying an already monetised channel allows you to start making money instantly, and it will be easy for you to recover the money spent.


2. You will have existing videos

Buying a YouTube channel comes with lots of benefits, and having a list of old existing videos is one of them. Most of these videos are ready for your viewer’s enjoyment. All you have to do is update them and even add more related videos to them.

This not only saves time for you but also saves some stress and resources that would have been used in creating such videos.

3. Save time and efforts

Building a YouTube channel from scratch takes lots of time and effort to perfect. You will need more time and put in more work to get subscribers and viewers. But if you can buy already established YouTube channels, you save yourself from most of this stress and time.

Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers
Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers

Purchasing a YouTube channel is a sure way to move on in your niche without having to waste time.

4. Sponsorships and brand deals

If you can buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers you can be sure of getting lucrative brand deals and sponsorship.

Brands prefer partnering with already established channels with viewers and subscribers. This is where buying a YouTube channel plays an important role.

5. You have an already built audience

One of the great advantages you will enjoy if you buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers is that you will already have viewers and subscribers. All you should be doing is creating high-quality videos that retain them on your channels.

This will help fast-track your success on your YouTube channel.


Is it legal and safe to buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers from someone

You might think this is a bad idea but am guarantee you that it will be safe and legal to buy YouTube channels from someone. However, you must follow the terms and conditions of the platform guidelines.

I will advise you to make thorough findings and research the channels you want to buy. Always go for a reputable site to buy your YouTube channels and remember to partner with sellers with good business records that sell channels with real subscribers.

Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers
Buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers

Always remember to verify the channel’s ownership before making payments.


Wrapping up

One of the best methods to start earning from your channel is to buy YouTube channels with 100k subscribers. Since it comes with lots of benefits and other features that will benefit you.

Also, know that buying a YouTube channel will give you a head start but for it to grow you will have to put in the work, resources and even dedication. If things are rightly done you will be sure of making money from your channel.

Thanks for reading if you have any questions or suggestions kindly use the comment box.

Keep visiting our website for the latest and interesting posts on how to make, save and invest your money.


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