How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 monthsHow to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months

How to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube 

One of the best lucrative online method of making money is through YouTube, but you must get at least 1000 subscribers to get your channels monetise. This post will help you on the easiest methods to get 1000 subscribers before 3 months.

Getting up to 1000 subscribers on your new YouTube channel may sound like a very big deal. It’s now much easier to get the required 1000 YouTube subscribers for your channels, with these steps you are sure of getting over 1000 YouTube’s subscribers in space of 3 months.

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Introduction on how to get 1K subscribers on YouTube 

Every new YouTubers goal is how to reach the 1000 subscribers inorder to monetise their channels. Some may stay for long before getting this numbers while to some in space of some months. The good news is with the right steps and guidance you can get your 1000 subscribers within three months of starting your channels.

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Just like every other creators your goals is to get many subscribers to view your channels. Every YouTuber wants to attract real viewers that will become their loyal fans, thereby increasing their channels revenue.

How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months
How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months


  • About YouTube
  • How to monetise my YouTube channel
  • How to get free 1000 YouTube subscribers 


About YouTube

Almost everybody knows or had heard about YouTube, especially if you an android phone user. We have heard of thing, while some have even watched videos on it.

In this posts, We will help you get insight on what a YouTube channels is and how to monetise it.

YouTube is a popular video hosting platform for professionals and amateurs. Many people uses this app for streaming movies and music videos. Some use it for making research for their academic studies.

Above all YouTube is a major source of income, if you know what you are doing, if you feel you want to monetise your YouTube channels then, this is the right place for you.

The only strain in making money with YouTube is how to get 1K subscribers on YouTube. Many gets frustrating while trying to get to this level.

This post will help you on how to get 1k subscription on YouTube free of charge.

How to monetise my YouTube channel

Monetising your YouTube channels is like a dream come true to creators, since it’s one of the main reason of starting a YouTube channel.

Getting your channel monetise comes with a lot of requirements that you must meet. If after meeting this requirements you can now get your channel monetise.

First of all, you need lots of subscribers to get your YouTube channel monetise, 1000 subscribers to be precise. You will also need to get at least 4000 hours watch time in the last 375 days.

Reaching this goal can be time consuming, difficult and even frustrating to some new creators. This is the main reason why you should read this post and apply every steps listed out.

How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months
How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months

Instead of buying the 1000 YouTube subscribers, here is a guide on how to get free subscribers to your channels.


How to get free 1000 YouTube subscribers

Instead of paying to get 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channels, why not utilise this steps and get free subscribers.

1. Create videos for target audience

One of the easiest methods to reaching your goal of 1000 subscribers is to target one audience. By creating content for one targeted audience it will be much easier to get subscribers interested in your channels.

Starting your channel on a broad topic will give you tough time in getting the 1000 subscribers.

If you can target one particular sub niche, you will eventually get fans who will watch, engage, share and eventually subscribe.

Doing this in every of your videos will help you get more subscribers than when you are in a broad niche.


2. Create popular contents

Nothing brings in more viewers and subscribers to your channel than popular and viral contents.

Knowing the right videos to post that will resonate with your viewers will go a long way in bringing in more subscribers o your channel.

For you to build your YouTube subscribers you will need to gain the attentions of your viewers. This types of post help bring more viewers;

How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months
How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months

a. How to do posts: How to do videos brings in lots of subscribers, since we all wants to learn new things on a daily basis.

Creating such post while focusing on a particular niche will help boost your subscribers base.  How to do post are ; How to create a tiktok account, How to get verified on Instagram.

b. Funny videos: Creating high quality funny video will do the magic in bringing in more subscribers. People wants to be happy always, if you can guarantee that it will be to your advantage.

c. Versus video: Another video genre to focus on is in comparing stuffs like phones, laptops, cars and lots of other cool gadgets.

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3. Use quality thumbnail and headlines

Ensure your headlines and thumbnails are of good quality, cause this is the first thing people see that will push them to either view, engage, share and even subscribe.

Once you give people a good first impression of your site, be sure they will have to reciprocate by either sharing, engaging and in most cases subscribing.

Having a well optimised headline and a compelling image can thrill your audience to visit your channel.

How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months
How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months

4. Partner with other YouTubers to reach new viewers

If you are serious to grow your YouTube channel then you should invest heavily on partnership.

Lookout for like minded creators, create content with them and let the magic workout by itself. If your contents are good you both will share from the audience.


5. Promote your YouTube channels.

To get more people to your YouTube channel, you will have to promote it through various media.

Some of these media like, Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram , telegram, Pinterest and Twitter are some of the best place to promote your YouTube channels. This will help boost your YouTube subscribers.


6. Ask viewers to subscribe to your channel

There is nothing bad in you asking your viewers to subscribe to your channels. This method is one of the most effective, but you must create quality content that persuade them to heed to your call to action.

How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months
How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months

You can even use a YouTube end screen to place a subscribe button on the last few frames of your video.


7. Post continuously

Posting regularly will help boost your subscribers to more than 1000, so you should be posting new content for your viewers.

By crafting good post and posting videos frequently will help you get the needed 1000 subscribers.


8. Add YouTube subscribers buttons to your Videos

One of the easiest ways to get your 1000 subscribers on YouTube is by inserting the subscribers buttons on all your videos.

With these buttons, people will likely subscribe if they find your posts interesting.

How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months
How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions on how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube channels.

How much YouTube pays for 1000 subscribers

There is no fixed amount to be paid if you can get up to 1000 subscribers on YouTube. The amount varies depending on many factors such as niches, locations and the CPC.

The average amount to be paid to any subscribers with 1000 subscribers stands around $50 to $100 dollars. Though this is not the fixed amount, as it’s expected to change with niche and locations.


How to get 4,000 watch hours on YouTube 

It usually takes 1 year that is 365 days to get the 4000 watch hours on YouTube. That is 240,000 minutes that is if you maintain 20,000 watch hour per months.

Your watch hour is divided among your posts, so it’s important you create plenty of quality videos to help increase your YouTube subscribers.


Does watching my own video on YouTube count as a view?

Yes, a page view is counted once when a viewer visits your YouTube channels for at least 30 seconds.

How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months
How to get 1000 subscribers in 3 months

If you watch your video it will still be counted for you. Even if your viewers view your videos more than one it will be counted as page views.



Getting your first 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channels can be a dream come through. With these subscribers you are sure of getting money to your bank every month.

You can still use the above methods to grow your subscribers to more than 10000. For more information and guide visit Here


How to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube in a day for free

Its quite easy getting more than 1000 subscribers on YouTube for free on a daily basis. But it will take some time before you reach that mile stone.

You won’t start getting it overnight but with time you will start generating more than 1000 subscribers on YouTube for free. To start getting this result, you must implement some of this strategies.

  • Promote videos in your end screen
  • Focus on creating good quality videos and posts
  • Write compelling headlines
  • Reply to every comments
  • Publish long videos

How to get 1000 views on YouTube for free

You will be sad if you didn’t get any views on your YouTube channels, this can be frustrating as you will feel your labour is in vain.

Instead of giving up, you can use this strategies to help increase your YouTube channels views from 10 to 1000 daily views.

  • Create quality content, this because in the world of internet content is king.
  • Promote your content aggressively, nobody is gonna do that for you, so the earlier you start promoting your content the better.
  • Learn about YouTube analytics
  • Focus on learning SEO
  • Optimise your videos titles and view.

If you can do this constantly, be sure of getting more views to your channels on a daily basis.


1000 Free YouTube subscribers instantly 

As a newbie in YouTube, getting 1000 free YouTube subscribers instantly can be a huge task. But for you to start making money on your YouTube channels you must complete this task.

With over 1 million YouTubers reaching this milestone, you to can get 1000 free YouTube subscribers instantly, that is if you are ready to follow die processes.

That’s is the main reasons why we have come with this free tips on how to reach 1000 YouTube subscribers in less time.

Below are some of the steps to take if you want to get your YouTube subscribers to 1000 and more.

  • Know your niche and stick to it.
  • Customise your channels to stand out
  • Keep viewers hooked with important recommendations
  • Collaborate with your fellow creators to reach new views.
  • Invest in your channels growth
  • Tempt people into clicking your videos by using eye catchy pictures and headline.

If you can consistently follow through this process, you will be sure to get even more than 1000 subscribers on your new YouTube channels.


Wrapping up

You can’t make money on your YouTube channels if you don’t have subscribers to view your channels. That is why you must strive to have constant views and subscribers to your channels.

Following, the above steps will help you increase both your views and subscribers.

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