1000 subscribers on YouTube1000 subscribers on YouTube

How long does it take to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube 

Getting the required 1000 subscribers on YouTube is one task that many YouTubers finds very hard to achieve. That’s why we are here to present to you the best easy steps to help you get over 1000 YouTube subscribers in less than 2 months. For more information read our post on How to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube.

There are many factors that may determine how long it will take for you to reach the major 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channels. Some factors like how often you post, the type of post you create, how you promote your YouTube and the overall strategy you use in running your YouTube channels.

This factors will either fast track your chance of reaching your target of 1000 subscribers or may even delay it. That’s why you should read this post to help you reach the 1000 subscribers level faster.

1000 subscribers on YouTube
1000 subscribers on YouTube

According to research the time it take to get 1000 Subscribers  on YouTube varies, to some channels it will only take them some few months or even weeks. While some may stay up to a year or two before reaching the same level. So the difference is in your approach to your channels.

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If you are interested in increasing your YouTube channel subscriptions to over 1000 then I advice you stay put why we dish out the best steps to help you get your 1000 YouTube subscribers in a less time.

Why get the 1000 subscription to your YouTube channel

You may wonder while you urgently need to have over 1000 subscribers on YouTube. As it seems like a major milestone in starting your YouTube channels.

As a content creator on YouTube you first requirements to monetising your channels is reaching the 1000 subscribers. Once you reach that number and a minimum amount of watch hour, you can easily monetise your channels and start making money.

So you how important it’s to get 1000 subscribers, that’s why you must strive to get up to that figure. As a newbie it may take you some time to get such amount. But to some pros it will only take them few weeks to some months.

Even as a  newbie there are some steps that will help hasten your chance of getting 1000 subs on YouTube. But before we go into details let first of all show you how long it will take to get up to 1K subs on YouTube.


How long can I get the 1000 subscribers on YouTube

To start building your subscribers on YouTube, it will take some time, if only you have a fanbase on some favourite Social media platforms, you can help drive some viewers from them. Some of them may turn out to subscribe.

If you don’t have any fans, it will probably take you 5 to 8 months on average to get to such figures. That is only if you are consistent and passionate on what you are doing.

1000 subscribers on YouTube
1000 subscribers on YouTube

Some people quits after 2 to 3 months of creating contents, you should do beyond that. So you see the average time it takes to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube is between 6 to 7 months. But for pros it will be just 2 to 3 months.

What determines how long it takes to grow your YouTube subscribers

As content creator you best plan should be how to grow your subscribers cause that the honey pot of YouTubing. The more your subscribers the better your chances of making money.

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If you are considering cashing out big on your YouTube channels then you should consider this factors.

  • Creating high quality contents that will interest your viewers. In the world of YouTube and blogging, we all know that content is king, the more interesting your content is the better chance of getting more viewers who will inturn subscribe.
  • Keep posting regularly, you will really need to keep in posting regularly to give your viewers something to hold on to. This will keep them coming, thereby increasing your views.
  • Don’t fold your hands and believe in miracles, you will have to promote your posts to get to more audiences.
  • No man is an island, so feel free to collaborate with other YouTubers in your niche.
  • Read and respond to comments, as this will show your subscribers that you really care.
  • Run giveaways to help excite your viewers and inturn get more subscribers.
  • Patient, that’s the last but the best factor that determines how successful your YouTube channel will be. No success comes over night, so you will have to be patient and consistent.

Growing your YouTube channels to 1000 channels is not that easy but with the right steps, patient and consistent will make it possible.


By following these steps you can reach up to 1000 subscribers on your YouTube in less time.

How do you get 1000 subscribers on YouTube 

Getting over 1000 subscribers on YouTube is no big deal, if only you know the right steps to help you. To be able to generate over 1000 views and subscribers on YouTube, you should.take note of this steps.

1000 subscribers on YouTube
1000 subscribers on YouTube

1. Share what you love most

Most people make the mistake of going for niche they have little knowledge of, some may not even love what they are creating about. Nobody will love your channel if you don’t love what you are posting.

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Also you won’t have the passion to create content if you don’t love your niche. That’s the main reason why you should choose a niche you love, that you are passionate about.

2. What your intentions are

Our intentions plays a major role in the outcome of our YouTube analytics. Many of us go into YouTube with the mindset of making money, but that’s not it.  You first of start by creating values, then with time the money will flow.

1000 subscribers on YouTube
1000 subscribers on YouTube

Once you become a go to guy on YouTube, you will getting lots of subscribers and views on a daily basis.

3. Focus on one niche

Don’t be a jack of all trade, instead choose one niche and focus on it. Grow it , let people know you as the Go To Guy for their solutions not a jack of all trade.

4. Be human

One thing that will help your channels subscribers to grow is how you present your post. You should have this human tone in your voice, your content you should be easy to comprehend, understand even by a layman.

Give out your post like you are talking with your friend. Use a friendly tone and be professional.

5. Be patient

Patient is the key to success in your YouTube career, making money off your YouTube channels depends largely on how you practice and wait in the process.

1000 subscribers on YouTube
1000 subscribers on YouTube

Your channel won’t grow over night, so you will have to patients while working your way out.

6. Be consistent and creative

This two words go hand in hand, to grow your channel you will need to be consistent in creating creative content.

Being consistent is very simple way to keep your audience coming back. Never stay without creating post, make use of a calendar.


Getting over 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channel is very possible if you can follow through the above steps.


What happens when you get 1000 subscribers on YouTube

Once you succeed in hitting the 1000 subscribers, you become eligible for the YouTube partner program. You also need to have up to 4000 watch hours or even a 10 million short views.

With these you are free to monetise your channel. With these eligibility you are sure of getting a monetisation options from the lists below.

  • Ad revenue sharing
  • Channel memberships
  • Super Chat and Super Stickers
  • Super Thanks
  • YouTube Shopping
  • YouTube Premium

How much does YouTube pays for 1000 subscribers

How much you get on your YouTube channel depends on some factors like, channels niches, subscribers count, audience, video demographic and your video engagement rate.

With over 1000 subscribers you are sure of making anything below $9. You see you really need to increase your subscribers inorder to make more money.

Can I really get 1000 subscribers on YouTube in less than a year

Yes of course, you can actually get even over 3000 subscribers on YouTube in a year that is if you can take the above steps seriously.

The real work is getting 1000 subscribers, but once you hit that milestone, getting to the next won’t be much of a stress.

If you can implement the above steps carefully, you will surely get the results in less time self.

Why is it so difficult to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube 

The main reason is that you will need to put in a lots of work before you can get your desired results. Most YouTubers will create lots of interesting posts and expect it to go viral. But that’s not how it work. You need to put in the hard work.

1000 subscribers on YouTube
1000 subscribers on YouTube

Consistency, uniqueness and even right working strategy will really help you achieve your goal. Remember, it won’t come on a platter of gold, you must work towards it.

In Conclusion

YouTube is one of the best online side hustle you can start, as you can make lots of money from it. But, before you can start making money you will need to meet some necessary requirements which getting over 1K subscription is one of it.

That’s where many people fail  but with the above steps , you are sure of achieving it in less time.

Consistency, Hardwork and persistence should be your watchword in your journey to becoming successful in your YouTube channel. To so so you will need to take the above steps very important.

Thanks for reading this post, keep visiting to get more of our interesting posts.

1000 subscribers on YouTube
1000 subscribers on YouTube

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